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This month, Magic OS 8.0 will come out for Honor 90 and Magic V2.

  • Updated: 22 May 2024
  • | Honor
OS 8.0

Honor said when they'll deliver their new Honor 200 telephone and today extravagant computer based intelligence framework. At a major tech occasion, the chief, George Zhao, offered something significant.

He said that this month, two other Honor telephones, the Honor 90 and the Honor Enchantment V2, will get another product called Wizardry operating system 8.0.

There's under 10 days left in this month, so the new programming ought to show up on those telephones very soon. The Magic5 Expert telephones got this update before in the year.

Sorcery operating system 8.0 depends on Android 14 and has savvy includes that utilization a thing called MagicLM, which is Honor's extravagant man-made intelligence framework. It likewise has something many refer to as Wizardry Entrance, which recommends supportive applications and administrations in light of how you're doing a swipe.

We've previously evaluated a portion of these savvy highlights on the Honor Magic6 Expert with MagicOS 8.0. We found that you can without much of a stretch hunt online for stuff you find in pictures on shopping destinations like eBay.

Likewise, in the event that somebody sends you a location in a message, you can tap on it, and Google Guides will show you where it is without you replicating and glue anything.