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Samsung galaxy A55 June 2024 Security Fix Delivered

Samsung galaxy A55 June 2024 Security Fix Delivered

Month to month Security Updates for System A55

Samsung galaxy A55 incorporates month to month security refreshes.

Refreshes have been conflicting however for the most part conveyed.

June 2024 Security Fix Conveyed

The June 2024 security bundle was delivered late in the month.

Past updates were likewise late, normally close to the month's end.

Security Fixes and Firmware Subtleties

The June update tends to more than 59 security weaknesses.

Firmware form: A556BXXS3AXF2.

Worldwide Delivery and Establishment

The update is supposed to arrive at worldwide clients after Europe.

To introduce: Go to Settings » Programming update » Check for Updates » Download and Introduce.

Future Updates and Consistent Updates Framework

Samsung is chipping away at a robotized refreshing framework called Consistent Updates.

Galaxy A55 is the primary gadget to have this component.

The framework is still being developed however expects to normalize month to month OTAs.