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Samsung System Z Overlay 6 and Z Flip 6 are Expected in July; Day for kickoff Affirmed for Next ‘Universe Unloaded’

Indeed, we definitely realized there was an unloaded occasion close to the corner. In any case, there were two breaks yesterday to reaffirm our doubt and snitch on the normal date for said occasion. System Z Overlap 6 and Z Flip 6 are the items taking to honorary pathway for an authority passage in July. We are invigorated.

Indeed, even Blass gained a GIF picture of the commencement and shared it on X. Next System Unloaded is around 25 days away. Come July tenth, the two Folds will make a big appearance at 10 PM Korea Time.

Yet, 'what might be said about the scene?' you should think at this moment. In all honesty, there are a great deal of hypotheses regarding the matter.

That GIF Blass spilled portends two things under that enlivened solid shape on the right side. Cosmic system simulated intelligence is the first; the primary entrée they intend to serve inside Z Crease and Z Flip 6.

And afterward, the shadow transforms into the Eiffel Pinnacle. We've all heard tattle about the following World Unloaded due in Paris. We trust that is what the shadow implies.

Also, did you realize about the Olympics occurring in Paris? We're practically certain the occasion has something to do with that. The Olympics start July 26th. So Samsung is thinking ahead. Also, they need to make a big appearance the Samsung most recent foldable telephones on July tenth, before the Olympics start.

There should be more coming with the exception of the Folds. So we want to look out for that. A few additional declarations might be about the World Watches, System Buds, and, surprisingly, the Universe Ring. However, those items are a secret for the present.